Saturday, May 16, 2009 at 6:12 AM

When your child is teething, it’s never a happy time for anyone involved.  They gnaw through the tip of their bottle if you don’t happen to give them something to chew on in the knick of time.  Then there is always the screaming, because all that teething does hurt a bit.  All around, there isn’t a person in the household that won’t pay for it.  You could go out to the store and pick up your average teething ring, but that’s not the true geek way.  No, you have to stand out and do something in true geeky fashion.

Accent lamps and lighting are usually things you think of indoors, but not always outdoors.  Yes, we have our string lights and lights that are sticking out of the ground, but no accent lamps.  Well if you have a living area outdoors, you might as well give it the same love you would the inside.  Which means giving a little more creative lighting for your deck.  This firefly would show your love of summer nights and still give a soft glow while you’re outside enjoying the evening.


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